Friday, July 24, 2009

God's Name in Vain

Deuteronomy 5:11
11 "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

I work with the public everyday, and I have decided that I'm going to start a little tally of how many times in a given 9 hour day I witness blasphemy. I'm considering any phrase involving "God", "Jesus", "Christ", "Holy" or combination there-of used in a manner that most would deem inappropriate or disrespectful. Let me say that it grieves my spirit to hear these terms day in and day out. May God convict their hearts and cause them to repent of this sinful blasphemous behavior.

This will be a one week study. From July 24th to the 31st.

Day 1-6
  • Holy ? 10
  • Jesus Christ 4
  • God D**** 5
  • Jesus 5
  • Good Lord 2
  • Good God 3
  • God 3
  • Swear to God 1
  • Oh My God 17
  • Sweet Jesus 0
  • Total: 50
I must Say, I am thrilled to be done with this little survey. I can go back to "tuning it out" again. However it is very telling that in (1)week, (1)man was exposed to 50 attacks on the Lord via blasphemy. 2600 blasphemy's per year!

1 man--------------50 bpw-------------2,600 bpy
10---------------500 bpw-----------26,000 bpy
100-----------5000 bpw----------260,000 bpy

This study made me think! How many praises are we as Christians giving GOD per week, day or year?

I don't know about you...But I'm on a mission NOW!

Let's give Glory to our Father who art in Heaven!

Hollowed By Thy Name!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Brother! Great first post! I will be following along!
