Thursday, September 10, 2009

Theory + Speculation = FACT!

"In the beginning there was Nothing and nowhere. Then all of the sudden, there was something and somewhere. We call the something "Matter" and the somewhere "Space". Over billions of years that "matter" flew around aimlessly in space until one day it exploded for some reason. Then all that matter began a process of separation that continues today (although the matter doesn't really seem to be separating as matter should that comes from an explosion but hey, it works.) Some of that "matter" began to cool down around a bright hot piece of Hot "matter", otherwise known as our "Sun". The cooler matter "our planet earth" somehow or another, in spite of the Sun's unimaginable barrage of radiation and heat, managed to instantly form an atmosphere perfectly comprised of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide and some other gases that, "luckily for us" just happened to be the perfect "Instant" blend to allow life to form...somehow. Somehow billions of trees must have instantly formed too to insure a continuous flow of the Oxygen supply the atmosphere required. (or maybe the oxygen came from the Oceans that came out of nothing.) Then, out of that "nothing matter", that was also "lifeless", a single celled organism somehow came into existence. WOW. (Note: Some scientist believe that a Lightning Bolt may have struck a mud puddle and that is how life was formed.) Either way, Then that single cell organism (which in and of itself is more complex in nature than the electrical system on the Space Shuttle) managed to split and multiply into "multi-celled" organisms...somehow. After billions of years of this splitting and growing, that single celled organism had managed to change itself into things like dinosaurs, birds, lizards, fish, whales, bacteria, people, airplanes..(just kidding about the airplane, that's ridiculous! ha ha.) So now "Evolution" has led us all the way from when "Nothing" and "Nowhere" began, to modern day today where "Everything" and "Everywhere" exists. In a strange twist of Evolutionary Irony, "Man" (the pentacle of evolutionary design, i.e., "the fittest") is now in a slow but steady process of destroying all other life, and seemingly himself. Huh?

We don't fully understand things like "Moral Law" or "Miracles" or the story of some guy named "Jesus" who healed and walked on water and then came back to life after dying or something... we can't explain all those fulfilled prophecies in that old outdated bible. We can't just put our faith in some "God", not when we obviously "know better."

Love God. Serve Christ. Have Faith!



  1. Love God, Serve Christ, Have Faith...I love that!!! Great post!

  2. Who "Knows Better?" Who said anybody "knew better?" Why can't we try to explain? Is it wrong to search for difficult answers to complex problems? I guess it is easier to believe in God (or sentient force) than to search for some real answers. A complex answer is discouraged simply because it is complex , and the complex answer is ridiculed because of its difficulty.

  3. No my friend. Keep searching for those answers. God's glory is revealed more and more with every new star, planet, gas cloud or black hole we find.

    God loves you. He created you and gave you your beautiful mind. He gave you eyes to behold the beauty of his creations. He blessed you with a mind capable of designing a telescope that would enable you to see further and to behold the wonders of his vast design.

    God Bless you sir.

    Thanks for your post.


    Job 26:7 NKJV
    7 He stretches out the north over empty space;
    He hangs the earth on nothing.

    Psalm 147:4
    He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.

    Isaiah 40:21-22
    21 Have you not known?
    Have you not heard?
    Has it not been told you from the beginning?
    Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth?
    22 It is He who sits above the CIRCLE of the earth...

  4. A wonderful and grace-filled response, Bryan. To God be the glory!

  5. Well thought out and written. I am amazed by the human need to know and be right. Furthermore, I am amazed by the faith of some. You are in that some. Good Work!
