Friday, August 21, 2009

Hell: Can't Stand the Heat? Get Out of The Pulpit!

According to a recent study in USA Today, almost half of all American's DO NOT believe in a literal Hell. Compare that to the 74% that do believe in Heaven.

The Rev. Fred Johns, pastor of Brookview Wesleyan Church in Irondale, Ala., said after a workshop discussion of hell that pastors do shy away from the topic of everlasting damnation.

"It's out of fear we'll not appear relevant," he said. "It's pressure from the culture to not speak anything negative. I think we've begun to deny hell. There's an assumption that everybody's going to make it to heaven somehow."

The soft sell on hell reflects an increasingly market-conscious approach, Selles said.

"When you're trying to market Jesus, sometimes there's a tendency to mute traditional Christian symbols," he said. "Difficult doctrines are left by the wayside. Hell is a morally repugnant doctrine. People wonder why God would send people to eternal punishment."

Hell is mentioned several times in the Bible. Here are a few of those instances:

2 Peter 2:4-5
Mark 9:46
Matthew 8:12
Isaiah 66:24
Daniel 12:2
Luke 16:22-24
Luke 12:5
Luke 3:9
Luke 3:17
Mark 9:47
John 15:6
Matthew 23:33
Revelation 19:20 "

Pastor John Piper said this "I am NOT RELAXED! I feel like we are all standing on the edge of eternity and at any moment any one of you could fall off!"

WARNING: The audio in this video is disturbing.
I was reluctant to even post this video, but I tossed an turned for hours and I felt compelled to.
Hell is real, and it is Eternal. I don't want anyone to g0 there.


  1. Thank you, Bryan, for your courage in posting this video. I pray that I, too, would toss and turn all night, so that the truth of Hell, would compel me and others to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ boldly and intentionally so that many will neither hear nor experience those 19 seconds for all eternity. May God have mercy on us and give us a burden for the lost.

  2. I think it is also important to remember that as sinners we deserve to go to hell. I have people that ask why would God send people to hell that never heard the Word? Well, some would say they are saved by Grace and others would say because of sin we really do not deserve any better. But! By God's love for us he choose to save us. It is a gift that I am happy to have.

    I have noticed a lot of Pastors getting into debates over different levels of hell or hell vs hades, etc. The way I see it is this; hell is hell. It doesn't matter what level or what it is called, it is total seperation from God. If you believe in God now you are the furthest away you will ever be from Him. If you do not believe, you are the closest you will ever get to Him - and look at the struggle, fear, and sadness we all go through now.
